Sunday, April 29, 2007

President George Bush is pushing his health care proposal that would help provide coverage for the 46 million Americans who do not have any

President George Bush is pushing his health care proposal that would help provide coverage for the 46 million Americans who do not have any

It is being reported that George Bush has vowed to do whatever is necessary to bring health insurance to those Americans who do not have any. Over 46 million Americans are currently without health insurance, a fact that the US President says is unacceptible.

"From my conversations with Democrats and Republicans, it is clear both parties recognize that strengthening health care for all Americans is one of our most important responsibilities," Bush said in his weekly radio address. "I am confident that if we put politics aside, we can find practical ways to improve our private health care system."

Under Bush's proposed plan, health insurance costs would classify as taxible income: "Today, the tax code unfairly penalizes people who do not get health insurance through their job," stated Bush.

"If you buy health insurance on your own, you pay much more after taxes than if you get it through your job," he said. "I proposed to end this unfair bias in the tax code by creating a standard tax deduction for every American who has health insurance, whether they get it through their job or on their own."

Bush is also proposing a $7000 tax deductible for individuals, and a $15000 tax deductible for families.

"Americans deserve a level playing field," Bush said. "If you're self-employed, a farmer, a rancher or an employee at a small business who buys health insurance
on your own, you should get the same tax advantage as those who get their health insurance through their job at a big business."

A major component to his proposal is taking money that is used to help hospitals cover the costs for the uninsured, and use it to allow individual states to set up programs to assist residents to get health coverage and assist those with high-cost health conditions.

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