Sunday, March 11, 2007

Hope For Comatose Patients

Science is far from omniscient – a woman’s miraculous temporary awakening from a persistent vegetative state stands as proof of this.

Christa Lilly suffered a cardiac arrest in November 2000, and has been in a coma-like state ever since. Her 73-year-old mother took care of her at home and reported to Christa’s doctor that during these years her daughter had awakened five times, sometimes for hours.

Last Sunday, mother Minnie Smith had the wonderful surprise of being answered to her “How are you, baby?” with a “Fine.” Christa then had three consecutive days of lucidity and activity.

She spent time with her family and friends and even went out to eat her favorite foods. Christa was happy to be with her four daughters, including a 12-year-old, and the three grandchildren she hadn’t met before.

"It's just got me dumbfounded," neurologist Dr. Randall Bjork told the Colorado Springs Gazette of Christa Lilly’s, a Colorado Springs resident, unexplainable, astounding revival.

"I'm just not able to explain this on the basis of what we know about persistent vegetative states. I've never seen this quality of awakening, and if this is true, it's going to change how we look at the persistent vegetative state," he told the newspaper.

Bjork confessed he hadn’t believed Christa was awake in the past.

“She was smiling and grinning and told my staff she wanted to go to a club, even doing a little chair dance in her wheelchair,” he mused.

After three miraculous days the 49-year-old woman relapsed in her mysterious state. Bjork considers it a “minimally conscious state” rather than a persistent vegetative state.

“We may have to rethink these people that have been called vegetative in nursing homes who may have some awareness of their horrible circumstances,” Dr. Bjork said. “It goes against the grain of what we thought.”

It seems though that love and caring endure through hopeless times and finally come through. Christa Lilly is a lucky lady to have such a devoted family.


Mr.Neville said...

Big Yellow Forehead said...

There's an interesting Spanish film (with subtitles in English) about two comatose patients and the men who loved them called "Hable Con Ella." It's based on a true story. You should check it out!

Pynchon said...

I saw that film. Very good.

Coltin said...

Interesting, I wonder if perhaps her state of comatose had been mis diagnosed or whether people have their own means to escape vegetative states...Very interesting.

Bijoy said...

hey its vey intresting made be some thing other i dont thing she had comatose. kewl blog like to see more often so ne in touch .

regards Biby - Blog

phoenixxphyre said...

she may have been misdiagnosed, but even that is many times has that happened to people who had in their living will they wanted the plug pulled if there was no chance they'd ever wake again, and perhaps really they could have?

then again, for only a few days at a time over a period of years, I don't know if that's a state I'd want to keep myself in especially if I am aware and people think I'm not and life just keeps going on around and without me.

the only thing that makes me sad about it is the people involved, husbands, children, etc. they never know whether it's forever or not, and while one would like to say in sickness and in health you stand by...if you're told they're never going to wake up I suppose it would be a bit hard not to move on...on the other hand it would be very hard for me not to wait and hold out the hope even for the few days at a time they just might come out of it.

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Anonymous said...

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